Member News

August 5, 2024


Members in the News - June 2024

This section collects mentions of members who have received media coverage or written op-eds on communication-related topics. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every mention of NCA members in the news. If you know of any members who have been in the news, please forward a link or reference to


Dawn O. Braithwaite, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was quoted in "The Constant Work to Keep a Family Connected Has a Name," an article on the topic of "kinkeeping," in The New York Times.

A study by Shengchun Huang and Tian Yang was covered in "How YouTube’s recommendations pull you away from news" for NiemanLab.

James P. Kelly, Ohio University, wrote a guest column titled "Trump has embraced racist Eisenhower-era policy that saw a million deported" for The Columbus Dispatch.

Emily Langan, Wheaton College, was quoted in "The Vexing Problem of the ‘Medium Friend’" in the New York Times.

Jessica Myrick, Penn State, was quoted in "Six times Donald Trump lied about Philly or Pennsylvania ahead of his rally here on Saturday" in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Yotam Ophir, University at Buffalo, was quoted in "2020 Conspiracy Theorists Are Being Held Accountable, But Damage They’ve Done Remains" for Talking Points Memo.

Jennifer Sandoval, University of Central Florida, was quoted in "Professors push back on state argument that professor speech is government speech" for the Tampa Bay Times.

Karla D. Scott, Saint Louis University, was quoted in "How the self-care industry made us so lonely" for Vox.

Tammy Vigil, Boston University, was quoted in "Kamala Harris on standby as Democrats plunge into panic mode" for USA Today.

Nathan Walter, Northwestern University, was quoted in "Who is Alex Jones? The conspiracist and dietary supplement salesman built an empire over decades" for the Associated Press.

Yunkang Yang, Texas A&M University, was quoted in "Right-wing media reckoning: Some outlets pay a price after spreading 2020 election misinformation" for NBC News.