November 11, 2022


2023 Central States Communication Association

President's Undergraduate Honors Research Conference



The 2023 Central States Communication Association (CSCA) President’s Undergraduate Honors Research Conference (UHRC) will be held March 31-April 1 during the 92nd Annual CSCA Convention in St. Louis, MO. The UHRC offers undergraduate students an opportunity to share their original research projects.

Outstanding papers, including the Top Paper, will be recognized. In conjunction with the National Communication Association, The Lambda Pi Eta Top Paper Award will also be presented during the UHRC. Created in 2019, the Lambda Pi Eta Top Paper Award recognizes the highest-ranked individually authored undergraduate research at the regional level.

Participants at the conference can also attend a graduate school open house. There will be opportunities to inquire about graduate education, meet graduate school faculty, and interact with some of the leading scholars in the Communication discipline.

The UHRC is open to students who were enrolled as undergraduates during the 2022 calendar year. Submissions must have been completed by those students (not co-authored with faculty) during that year.

Submission Instructions:

  1. Your paper should have a title page that includes the author’s contact information.
  2. On the cover page, please indicate that you are an inducted Lambda Pi Eta member. This will help reviewers identify competitive submissions eligible for this award.
  3. Adding the name of your faculty advisor on the title page is optional.
  4. Save your paper as a PDF document.
  5. Papers may be submitted by the author or the faculty advisor.

Submissions must be received via the submission site no later than Friday, 11:59 PM (CST), January 13, 2023. For queries about submissions, email CSCA President Debbie Ford


WSCA Distinguished Scholar Award Nominations Due December 10, 2022

The Western States Communication Association (WSCA) is seeking nominations for the 2023 Distinguished Scholar Award. The recipient must be a WSCA member who has made significant and sustained contributions to scholarship that have made a difference in the ways scholars and students think about the nature, function, and scope of communication.
Criteria include (1) a sustained research program, (2) that is theoretically grounded, (3) analytically sound, (4) advances the discipline (as indicated by citations and other evidence), and (5) contains work featured in WSCA journals as well as other outlets.
The nomination should include a nomination letter, academic vita, and can include letters of support (self-nominations are acceptable).
The scholar nominated for the award is honored during the WSCA Annual Conference Luncheon, so it is important that every effort is made to ensure the recipient is present to receive the award. As such, please confirm the nominee's willingness to be considered for this award and commitment to attend the 2023 WSCA convention in Phoenix, AZ, before submitting nominations.
Nominations should be submitted by email to committee chair Jim Cherney at no later than December 10, 2022. Please include "WSCA Scholar Award" in the email subject line and attach documentation as either Microsoft Word or PDF (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) files.
CONTACT:  Jim Cherney at The WSCA Distinguished Scholar Award Committee looks forward to receiving your nominations!