Sigma Chi Eta Chapter Grants

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Sigma Chi Eta encourages the submission of project proposals and funding requests to NCA’s SCH chapter grants. Funding supports selected events and projects sponsored by SCH chapters. NCA seeks to support chapters who may otherwise be unable to find funding to aid the work they do in their local communities and to advance the communication discipline on campus.

Requests should not exceed $500. Preference is given to stand-alone projects/events, but partial funding of larger projects/events will be considered, provided the funding is allocated to a specific piece of the larger endeavor. Funding is made on a one-time basis. Chapters may not receive funding in consecutive grant years. Projects and events seeking SCH chapter grant funding should begin and be completed within the following calendar year.

The application period will open each May and all applications must be completed in full by October 1st. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or otherwise in early November. Funds will be dispersed the following January. Final reports and assessments are due within six (6) weeks of the completion of the project/event, but no later than December 31st.

  • The principal submitter must be an SCH Chapter Advisor.
  • The chapter’s charter must be current at the time of submission.
  • Travel, equipment, and overhead expenses will only be allocated for items that are in direct support of the proposed project or event. Examples of things that would not be eligible for funding under this term are attendance at NCA’s Annual Convention and purchase of office computers. Funds may not be used to augment the budget of NCA convention-related activity.
  • Funds are disbursed to identified fiscal agents, not to individuals.
  • Each proposal should be submitted with a funding request form by October 1st.
  • Any questions should be submitted to Membership Associate Alexandria Tiano at
  • All proposals should include the following:
    • A detailed description of the proposed project/event, which includes answers to the following questions:
      • What is the project/event?
      • What community does this project/event serve?
      • How does this project/event align with SCH’s six goals?
      • In what ways will SCH members benefit from and contribute to this project/event?
      • How many people are likely to participate in the project/event?
      • What is the planned structure of the project/event?
      • What are the logistical details of the project/event (e.g., dates, location, organizers)?
  • A detailed budget, including rationale for each expense and a list of other confirmed funding sources.

Grant Recipients are required to submit to NCA a report detailing how funds were used, the goals and outcomes of the project, a press release for use in creating media content, and any relevant photos/videos, which may be used for media use. This report will be due no later than six (6) weeks following project completion. 

All applicants are encouraged to check with their home institution regarding the rules and regulations involved with accepting grants to be sure applicants follow acceptable practice for their institution and state. NCA recommends that you share the protocol for assessment, reporting, and promotional activities as outlined in the funding request form with your grant officer, department chair, academic dean, and/or other relevant institutional leaders before applying.

The chapter receiving the grant has the opportunity to present at NCA's Annual Convention and is expected to do so if financially able. Travel and convention registration will be subsidized for one of the students attending convention. Please note while travel and registration will be subsidized, it may not be fully covered. Travel and convention registration will not be subsidized for advisors/faculty. The student will present on their grant funded project/event during an SCH allocated slot.  If a student is unable to attend the convention due to financial reasons, the chapter is expected to complete an annual report along with a PowerPoint that demonstrates their grant work. This presentation will be shown at the convention, and five (5) copies of the annual report must be made available for distribution. An annual report and PowerPoint presentation does not constitute presentation at a convention and should therefore not be listed on a CV or resume as such.