Experiential Learning in Communication Division

Experiential Learning in Communication Division logo

Experiential learning, service learning, and social justice education enhance the classroom experience through a partnership with our communities. The Experiential Learning Division promotes teaching innovation through theoretical application and community engagement. Our interconnectedness within our local, national, and global communities reinforces the scholarship with active citizenship.

The purpose of the division is to explore applications of the communication process in classroom and off-campus locations. The term “experiential learning” refers to the innovative use of communication concepts and theories in internships, service projects and community/corporate-connected communication courses, and technological connections.

Experiential learning complements the learning objectives within all NCA specializations. We strive to:

Use technology to interact with division members and to serve as consultants for NCA members wishing to implement experiential learning into courses.
Disseminate information on best practices in experiential learning.

Promote programs in state, regional, and national conventions on the subject of experiential learning.

Maintain a central database of experiential learning conferences, research opportunities, and interactive dialogue.

The members of this division view their collective vision as sharing the “cutting edge” of innovative experiments and practices that make accessible the best and fullest use of the oral and written traditions of communication.

This division was first conceived at the 1978 Summer Workshop on Experiential Learning, sponsored by SCA, now known as NCA. David Natharius and Melissa Beall submitted that group’s proposal to the SCA Legislative Counsel in October 1980. It was approved and the first full program was presented in the fall of 1981 in Anaheim, Cal.

Visit us on Facebook; look for the NCA Experiential Learning Division.

2024 Interest Group Leadership

  • Chair: Erin Doss, Indiana University Kokomo
  • Vice Chair: Wendy Raney, Washington State University
  • Vice Chair-Elect: Jennifer Becker, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Immediate Past Chair: Karyn Friesen, Lone Star College-Montgomery


2024 NCA Positions

  • Legislative Assembly
    • Erin Doss, Indiana University Kokomo
    • Donna Pawlowski, Bemidji State University
  • NCA Nominating Committee
    • Clay Craig, Texas State University

ELCD Membership (2013-2024)

*Official count taken each January.


Award Calls


Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election