
Displaying 21 - 30 of 63
May 15
Call for Nominations for NCA Second Vice President, At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Leadership Development Committee The 2019-2020 NCA Nominating Committee solicits from any...
NCA Governance and Award Committee Positions NCA seeks members to serve on a variety of governance and award selection committees. Unless otherwise indicated in a specific call below, nominations are...
Oct 01
Applications are due Thursday, October 1, 2020 for NCA’s Advancing the Discipline grants, the Dale Leathers Fund to Promote Communication Studies in Emerging Democracies, and the new Research...
Oct 12
The National Communication Association invites undergraduate students to apply and compete for the NCA Legacy Scholarship. The NCA Legacy Scholarship seeks to broaden the Communication discipline’s...
Watch session videos in Convention Central until Dec. 31.
Dec 31
Voting is open until December 31 at 11:59 pm PST.
Jan 31
NCA’s Publications Council is seeking applications for editors-elect for six journals.
Submissions for the NCA 107th Annual Convention, to be held November 18–21, 2021, in Seattle, Washington, are now open! The COVID-19 pandemic, economic strife, political turmoil, and struggles for...
Aug 02
National Communication Association IDEA Awards The Executive Committee of the Legislative Assembly recently approved the creation of three awards with a focus on IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity,...
The 2021 NCA Nominating Committee solicits from any NCA member the names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership...