
Displaying 1 - 10 of 22
Apr 12
This public program will address health, health care, and understandings about health in the Appalachian region, an area where residents face a disproportionately high incidence of poor health and...
Apr 19
Public Programs
Media are powerful agents of communication, enabling the rapid dissemination of news and information – but they can also spread misinformation. This public program addressed the role of media and...
Mar 20
Public Programs
Representations of Race and Identity in Contemporary American Culture, a public program of NCA. Richard West's NCA Presidential Initiative Responding to ongoing public discussions about race and...
Sep 19
Public Programs
This public program focused on communicating about climate, specifically, the role communication plays in educating, informing, and persuading publics about climate change. Panelists also discussed...
Listen to the Podcast Watch the Video Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this fall’s public programs will be reimagined as a special series of the Communication Matters podcast as well as a series of...
Because of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak, NCA was unable to hold the Public Program previously scheduled for April 30, 2020 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. NCA instead hosted this conversation as a...
Listen to the Podcast Watch the Video This public program, which is available in podcast and video formats, explored interpersonal relationships and social support in the context of COVID-19, both in...
Sep 14
NCA will host a public program titled “Communication, Culture, and Health” on September 14, 2017. This public program will address the roles of culture and communication in advancing health equity,...
Sep 28
Please plan to join NCA's officers for an upcoming Conversation with NCA Leadership! This series began in 2021 and is part of NCA's efforts to create more transparency and opportunities for member...
In many communities, the environmental impacts of energy production create a unique paradox in that jobs are created by the same energy sources that can cause environmental harm. At this public...