K-12 Resources

Resources for Communication instruction in grades K-12

The National Communication Association is committed to developing and providing essential resources for the inclusion of Communication in grades K-12 in the U.S. educational system.

The purpose of NCA's K-12 project is to support and promote a working relationship among Communication teachers and administrators in grades K-12, and to provide essential pedagogical and curricular resources needed by these educators. By developing and providing the necessary expertise and products required by K-12 educators and administrators, NCA is addressing a concern that Communication teaching has not been sufficiently effective in grades K-12.

K-12 Instruction Improvement 
In collaboration with other associations, the association is working to improve the quality of Communication instruction in K-12 classrooms, regardless of the discipline of the teacher. Those efforts include activities such as teacher workshops and instructional methods. One of those resources includes:

College Board Standards


The College Board developed and posted standards for middle school and high school English Language Arts and Mathematics and Statistics. The College Board Standards for College Success defined a developmental progression of rigorous learning objectives for six courses in middle school and high school to lead all students being prepared for Advanced Placement (AP) or college-level work. NCA members Sherry Morreale, John Heineman, and Mary Bozik served on the writing team for the Communication Standards, which were endorsed by the NCA Executive Committee as a replacement for NCA’s K-12 Standards. The College Board has replaced its own Standards with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) but NCA has not; the College Board Standards remain NCA’s standards.


Additional Resources

  • TeAchnology was designed with teachers in mind. The website provides lesson plans, rubrics, worksheets, and tips for teachers. The resources offered are easy to navigate based on the subjects or themes you select. The site also offers a free weekly e-newsletter, with teacher tips, for those who subscribe.
  • PBS LearningMedia is a comprehensive website providing K-12 teacher resources by field. Each field is provided classroom resources, discussion forums and various professional development opportunities. Each day you will find a new classroom resource featured on the homepage. The live discussion boards provide a great outlet to share and obtain information on various pedagogical topics.
  • The Learning Network from the New York Times is a teaching website for elementary and secondary teachers.
  • U.S. Media Literacy Policy Report Each year, Media Literacy Now publishes the Media Literacy Policy Report outlining the status of media literacy education laws for K-12 schools in the U.S. This 2023 analysis of state-by-state education policy shows the significant progress of state-level policymakers as well as other organizations, key institutions, and communities to recognize an urgent need for media literacy education and to take action. Policymakers who have set the direction for education nationwide are stepping up — as of 2023, legislatures in more than half the states have held hearings or votes on media literacy education in committees or held floor debates in their statehouses. As of 2023, 18 state governors have signed bills concerning K-12 media literacy or digital citizenship education, and one legislature has passed two resolutions. Most notably, California, with the largest K–12 school population in the country, passed a comprehensive media literacy law that will redirect priorities and funding to media literacy curriculum and professional development.
  • Policy Debate Quarterly Publication The Policy Debate Quarterly, an annual publication in four issues, remains one of the most credible and valuable resources for policy debaters and coaches across the country. Used by beginners and experienced debaters, it provides a basis for individual research and a springboard for critical analysis of the area selected each year for high school policy debate.