This public program will address health, health care, and understandings about health in the Appalachian region, an area where residents face a disproportionately high incidence of poor health and...
Thank you for your tremendous efforts in Philadelphia—we are a members services organization, and we are only as strong as our members make us, so thank you for your insights, energy, laughter, and...
What Does it Mean to Be a Citizen in Contemporary in America? Interactive conversation about what it means to be a citizen of the United States in the 21st Century. This frank and stimulating...
Representations of Race and Identity in Contemporary American Culture, a public program of NCA. Richard West's NCA Presidential Initiative Responding to ongoing public discussions about race and...
How We Teach and What We Learn about the Speech that Changed America, an NCA partnership with the Newseum Institute Watch the video Fifty years have passed since Martin Luther King, Jr., presented...
Unlike Any Other Presidential Debate in History: Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the 1992 Richmond Town Hall Debate, a partnership with the Department of Rhetoric and Communication Studies at...