
Displaying 51 - 60 of 150
Registration is required to attend this event. This presentation draws from my recent book, The Haunted Borderlands to consider the American Southwest as a geographical region hemmed by the mutually-...
In this ongoing moment of global consciousness and uprising about racism, classism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of oppression, collaboratively creating theories and tactics to dismantle violent...
May 15
Members are invited to submit nominations for the following awards. Nominations, unless specified, must be submitted through the NCA website. Please read the applicable call for more information...
Walid Afifi (2nd VP of NCA) is establishing an NCA Future Conventions Task Force to examine options for the future of our conventions, with special attention to possibilities for virtual...
The Committee for International Discussion and Debate (CIDD) of the National Communication Association is pleased to announce the Fall 2019 British National Debating Team Tour.
NEW THIS YEAR: Submit your nomination for Interest Group Awards online! In 2025, all interest group awards will be moving to NCA's online submission portal. This year, we had 17 Interest Groups elect...
NCA 108th Annual Convention “Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community, and Environment” November 17-20, 2022 New Orleans, Louisiana
Faculty, students, independent scholars, and community partners are all encouraged to attend the 2022 convention to explore the conference theme: Re-Connect.
The Central States Communication Association is hosting its 93rd Annual Convention in St. Louis, MO, March 29-April 2. The theme is "Intersections, Transitions, and Silenced Voices." Learn more and...