The 2022 Doctoral Honors Seminar will take place Wednesday, June 8 – Friday, June 10 at George Mason University. The seminar theme is “Communication Scholarship in a Fractured World: Relevance and...
Three positions to serve staggered terms starting immediately Person A: 2019-2020 term (Chair in 2019, 2020) Person B: 2019-2021 term (Chair in 2021) Person C: 2019-2022 term (Chair in 2022) The NCA...
The National Communication Association (NCA) announces the Third Biennial Conference on Communication, Media, and Governance in the Age of Globalization, to be held on the Beijing campus of the...
The 2022 NCA Nomination Committee solicits from any member of the Association names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the...
Proposals are being solicited that promote scholarship and teaching of Communication Studies to benefit emerging democracies and their peoples. Any activity which contributes to this goal is...
The Communication and Race Submission Portal is open! Launching in 2024 as a journal of the National Communication Association, Communication and Race welcomes submissions that address theorizations...
The Committee for International Discussion and Debate (CIDD) of the National Communication Association (NCA) announces the call for applicants for the 2019 Japan Tour Every other year, the CIDD...
NEW THIS YEAR: Submit your nomination for Interest Group Awards online! In 2025, all interest group awards will be moving to NCA's online submission portal. This year, we had 17 Interest Groups elect...
The Committee for International Discussion and Debate (CIDD) of the National Communication Association is pleased to announce the Fall 2019 British National Debating Team Tour.